Reflections on our March Teleconference Series

Posted on Apr 29, 2013

The March Teleconference Series ended on March 26th.  The learning we experienced during these meetings over the phone lines exceeding our expectations so greatly that we decided to write a little about it.

The participants on these calls were outstanding in their ability to share their understanding of the Three Principles.  Each person who spoke up, or emailed after the calls, had their own unique stories or comments.  The feelings that came through were so full of warmth and compassion.  Everyone who was present picked up on that feeling and took to heart the knowledge that was being shared.

As we sat in our living room here on Salt Spring sharing our own stories and listening to the other callers, we felt so grateful to be chatting with people from all parts of the world and sharing that hour with them.

We wish to thank everyone who participated.  Our lives have been truly enriched, and we look forward to the next series.