Vantage Blog

New! Hear a clip from the October 29th Teleconference session!

Posted by on Nov 4, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Our October/November teleconference series is coming to a close, with the last session on Tuesday, November 5th.  This has been the best series yet, and we would like to thank all of you who have made it possible by joining in and sharing your insights.

We have posted a clip from the October 29th teleconference in the media bar on our home page.  You may also click on this link below to hear the a portion of this talk; “Discovering Our Spiritual Birthright”.

Please check back with us for the dates of the next series, which we will be posting soon.


New Teleconference Series Starting October 15th!

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments


Listening and Presence

Our Connection to the Oneness of Life


A Teleconference Series                        October 15th – November 5th, 2013


Listening is hearing from the Impersonal in absolute neutrality.”
Sydney Banks, The Enlightened Gardener Revisited


Dear friends and colleagues,

Our upcoming teleconference series “Listening and Presence” will focus on one of the most critical elements of the Three Principles-based consulting that my wife, Jan and I have had the privilege to offer to individuals, communities and organizations over the past thirty years or so.

There simply isn’t any greater joy than watching a person discover a deeper understanding of their own true nature along with the happiness, peace of mind and beautiful life that this brings.

For those who wish to serve others (or just enjoy happy, loving relationships), a deeper understanding of our true self, is the foundation for experiencing true rapport with others.  As we deepen our own understanding, we automatically increase our ability to be truly present; to see beyond the outer image.  The impact of this way of interacting cannot be overestimated.  Not only is it the key to helping others unlock their own wisdom, it is the catalyst for positive change in teams, groups and communities.

Please join us as we explore together, the power that “Listening and Presence” has to bring each of us more happiness and peace of mind and to serve others in the way that Sydney Banks has served us all.

Best wishes,

Chip Chipman


Registration Information


The calls will take place at the following times:


Tuesday, October 15th, 12 pm (noon) PDT

Tuesday, October 22nd, 12 pm (noon) PDT

Tuesday, October 29th, 12 pm (noon) PDT

Tuesday, November 5th, 12 pm (noon) PST


Participants may join the calls online or from their phone.

The cost is $150 U.S. for the series. We accept payment through Paypal.

To register, please contact

As our work is based on the philosophy and discoveries of Sydney Banks, we suggest that before joining the calls, you visit the Sydney Banks website at


New Teleconference Series Coming Soon

Posted by on Sep 2, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Our July Teleconference series has ended and we will soon be announcing the dates of our next series.

We thoroughly enjoyed the sessions in July, with participants from all over the world.

We look forward to continuing the enriching conversations we have been honored to host.


Chip and Jan Chipman

New Teleconference Series Starting July 7th!

Posted by on May 21, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments


Rediscovering Peace of Mind

A Teleconference Series                         July, 2013


Dear Friends:

We all started out in life with an open mind, clear of troubling thoughts about the world around us. This is our default setting; our birthright and natural state.

How often do we wish we could just get rid of our stressful thoughts; so much so, that this desire in itself brings on even more stress!

The key lies in understanding the principle of Thought. If we were able to have a quiet mind by trying to manipulate or analyze our individual or collective thoughts, we would surely have achieved this goal by now!

True calmness is already within us if we can only see this fact.

As we gain deeper understanding of the true nature of Thought, we automatically become less troubled by busy, anxious thinking. We begin to restore our mental state to feelings of well-being, contentment and peace of mind.

In our next teleconference series, we will focus on the wonderful gift of Thought, and how it can guide us through life more smoothly than we could ever have imagined.


Chip Chipman


Registration Information


Participants have the choice of either of the following schedules:

Sundays: 10:00 AM PDT July 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th


Tuesdays: 12:00 PM Noon PDT on July 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th


New! Participants now have the option of joining the calls online.


The cost is $150 U.S. for the series. We accept payment through Paypal.

To register, please contact

As our work is based on the philosophy and discoveries of Sydney Banks, we suggest that before joining the calls, you visit the Sydney Banks website at


Reflections on our March Teleconference Series

Posted by on Apr 29, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

The March Teleconference Series ended on March 26th.  The learning we experienced during these meetings over the phone lines exceeding our expectations so greatly that we decided to write a little about it.

The participants on these calls were outstanding in their ability to share their understanding of the Three Principles.  Each person who spoke up, or emailed after the calls, had their own unique stories or comments.  The feelings that came through were so full of warmth and compassion.  Everyone who was present picked up on that feeling and took to heart the knowledge that was being shared.

As we sat in our living room here on Salt Spring sharing our own stories and listening to the other callers, we felt so grateful to be chatting with people from all parts of the world and sharing that hour with them.

We wish to thank everyone who participated.  Our lives have been truly enriched, and we look forward to the next series.

We have added a new video – “Chip’s Story About Thought & Business”

Posted by on Mar 26, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

We have added a new video to the media bar on our home page, titled “Chip’s Story About Thought and Business” Please click on this link to view the video.

The Three Principles: Bringing Hope into Prisons

Posted by on Mar 11, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

In March of 2005, when we were living in Tampa, Florida, events occurred that would change and enrich our lives in ways we had never dreamed of.

Syd had called us a few months before asking us to visit a woman who had been writing to him from a Florida prison not far from where we lived. That visit was one of those unexpected, even mystical events that seemingly come out of nowhere and brings new learning and evolution to our lives. This woman had been sharing what she knew of the Principles and Syd’s work with small groups of women in the prison yard and people were changing. As the visiting time was coming to an end she asked us if we come in and do a regular Three Principles class, that there was a real need and a lot of women that were interested. It seemed impossible in that moment but somehow, within a couple of weeks, we were doing weekly sessions for two groups of women at the prison, and would do so for several years.

In all our years of working with teams at all levels in a wide variety organizations, we had never seen any team like the one locked away in this maximum security setting. This team of women was so open and so adaptable that they actually became the inspiration for much of our business consulting and trainings. In the business world, we had some key points of discussion such as; being able to “step back” psychologically, adapting to change, getting along together in the workplace, seeing the value of not taking things personally and being able to recognize negative and non-productive thinking. After having many powerful insights into the “true nature” of the Principles and as a result their own true nature, these women not only grasped the significance of these qualities, they thrived on learning more about how to incorporate them into their lives. They found happiness in an environment we can only imagine!

The book, The Enlightened Gardener, by Sydney Banks, was a great catalyst in the change in these wonderful people experienced. It bridged the gap between hopelessness and having a dream; between insecurity and confidence.

The women often told us that our unconditional acceptance of them, from the first moment we met, was what made them want to listen to what we had to share. They were buoyed by our insistence that inside, they were as healthy and worthy as anyone in the world.

As we shared what we knew about the Principles in our own way, often through stories, and through Syd’s videos and CD’s, we were delighted to see these women find their own voice and begin to share their own insights. When Syd came to visit that prison on several occasions, he was deeply moved by their love, sincerity and gratitude. He would always advise them to see themselves as brand new, and forget about their negative past. The CD that Syd made in Tampa, called “One Thought Away”, is a great example of him talking on this subject. We would play that CD quite often for the women, and they resonated deeply with the words of the incarcerated women who talk with Syd on that CD.

This is the first of a series of blogs we will be writing about our work in corrections and addictions rehab. We hope that our stories of these courageous women, as well as some stories of people in other locations and programs, will keep their legacy of hope and inspiration and wisdom alive.

Please see our video The Power of Hope on our media page.


March Teleconference Series Off to a Great Start!

Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

On  Sunday, March 3rd, we had our first call of the March Teleconference Series, “Insight, Love and Peace of Mind”,  which is held on Sundays and Tuesdays.

It was wonderful to be on the line with people from several countries around the world.  More than anything, we enjoyed the insights shared by the callers.  It is heartwarming to hear from others who are learning about The Three Principles and talking about them with their own voice.

Feedback from the participants has been wonderful.

We look forward to the first call of the Tuesday series tomorrow.

New Teleconference Series in March

Posted by on Feb 15, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Insight, Love and Peace of Mind

A Teleconference Series           March, 2013

“Love is a positive feeling, and if people cultivate this feeling in their lives, they will surely free themselves from any unbalanced conditions that surround them.”
Sydney Banks, Second Chance

Dear Friends:

Since 1975, when my wife, Jan and I first heard Sydney Banks talk about the Three Principles, we have seen many changes in our lives and in the lives of countless others. Like many of you, we have seen dramatic, heartwarming results in an amazing variety of settings. In our own experience, these have included corporations, government agencies, not-for-profits, communities, drug and alcohol rehab centers, and even maximum security prisons. These outcomes are inevitable when individuals find that they are much more than they think they are. Deep insight has been at the heart of every profound shift, in every person, regardless of where they are, or who they are.

One of the most impactful insights Syd shared with us in the beginning, was his profound realization that insecurity is an illusion created by thought. A simple notion, and yet, if we consider the possibility that our anxiety is rooted in the misuse of the precious gift of thought, the implications are astounding. When I first realized, that I had the power to see life from the standpoint of security, I began to see a completely different life.

Syd once said to me, “If you want to help others to have a beautiful life, show them a whole new world.” In this four part series, we invite you to explore with us, how looking toward the true nature of the Principles and our true selves takes us inside and evokes powerful insight; insight that introduces us to a deeper dimension of thought. This is the gateway to a quieter state of mind and the peaceful, positive, loving feeling that is the birthright of every human being.

We look forward to hearing your experiences, questions and insights as we explore together what is meant by “the true nature of the Principles”, our own true nature. Looking in this direction is the key to finding more peace of mind in our own lives, and the foundation for serving others.


Chip Chipman

Registration Information

Participants have the choice of either of the following schedules:

Tuesdays: 12:00 PM PST on March 5th, and 12:00 PM PDT on March 12th, 19th & 26th


Sundays: 10:00 AM PST March 3rd, and 10:00 AM PDT on March 10th, 17th & 24th

The cost is $150 U.S. for the series of 4 calls. We accept payment through Paypal.

We provide international access codes to help avoid long distance charges.

To register, please contact

Please note that we are unable to offer credit for missed calls. In the interest of all registrants, only those who have paid for the series are invited to be present on the calls.

As our work is based on the philosophy and discoveries of Sydney Banks, we suggest that before joining the calls, you visit the Sydney Banks website at



Welcome to Our Website

Posted by on Jan 16, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Dear Friends:

You may have noticed that we have made some changes in our website.  We hope you like the new format, and that you find the content informative and enjoyable.  Please check in often for updates, and remember that we always enjoy hearing from you!  If this is your first time at our site, we appreciate your visit, and hope you enjoy learning about our work.

All the best,

Chip and Jan